Interested in our middle school program? Please visit
Interested in our middle school program? Please visit
Fundraising is compatible with the school’s overall philosophy of philanthropy, supporting our children’s spiritual, educational and physical well-being. The benefits of successful fundraising enhance the Enfield Montessori experience by providing funds to support purchases that tuition alone cannot provide. Beyond the EMS student community the greater community encompasses the students’ parents and grandparents, alumni, past parents, faculty, staff and friends. It is this greater community we ask to help in our fundraising capacities. At EMS we recognize that parent volunteers perform many fundraising functions and it is with great respect and gratitude we thank you for your past contributions and ask for your continued support. The past success of our functions is due to the creative talents and hard work of our parents. Since your time is valuable, at EMS, we have chosen to direct our resources to two main fundraisers:
Our Golf Tournament is usually held in the fall. Once again our parent volunteers staff and manage the event. It is a day of outdoor fun followed by a dinner. Through the years, the Golf Tournament has succeeded in generating good will for the school while providing a social time to gather and meet new friends. Its success is due to a loyal, core team who enjoys working hard to produce this annual sporting event.
The annual Gala & Auction is held in the spring. It is an opportunity for the greater Enfield Montessori School community and our friends to participate in a fun and exciting evening. Parental involvement is required. The minimum participation is to purchase two tickets and to donate an item valued at a minimum of one hundred dollars. The event is staffed and managed entirely by parent volunteers.
During the School year, other smaller fundraisers are promoted. Participation in these is entirely optional. They are offered as an opportunity to make smaller donations and they are offered because parents have specifically requested them.
Whether you are a student’s parent or grandparent, alumni, a past parent, faculty, staff or a friend, we hope you will consider supporting our fundraising efforts. By donating either time or money, you contribute directly to the success of our events. You will experience the personal satisfaction of supporting a great school and the great children attending. The history of EMS, and the success of its alumni, attests to the worthiness of our efforts!